Friday, February 29, 2008

The Tip the Coach Forgot

For my triathlon training plans, I signed up for a triathlete swimming clinic. The clinic is 6 sessions, taught every other saturday morning by a private swim coach with 30 years experience. I took swim lessons as a kid but have never had much interest in swimming. Consequently, I could basically keep myself afloat but didn't even know how to swim a proper lap. Ergo, part of the challenge appeal of competing in a triathlon. Luckily, most of the people in the clinic are in my same boat (har, har); they are athletic and therefore familiar with pushing their bodies' limits but swimming is just an anomaly. So far the clinic's been really great and I feel even more confident after the first two sessions than I thought possible.

After the last session, I came home and jotted down some of the drills and pointers the coach told me to work on and left the notebook out on the table. A few days later I dug it out to review and found some advice my coach had neglected to share...

1 comment:

Buck said...

So who exactly came up with #4??? Jon perhaps?