Friday, October 24, 2008

Whose kid IS that?!

Dear fellow passengers of Delta Flight #3804,

I hereby express my formal and sincere apology for the continued, ear-piercing, utterly blood-curdling screaming emanating for a full 30 minutes from the small curly-haired toddler sitting in row four. I promise that I was not deliberately torturing her, but apparently sitting in a chair with the seat belt on constitutes torture to a two year old. (By the way, the contortions used as an attempted escape tactic were actually quite amazing.) Thank you for not throwing me even one single dirty look even though I know you felt like throwing us out at 20,000 feet.

Forever grateful,
Frazzled Mama

P.S. Hope you're not on the return flight next week.


Danielle said...

Oh my gosh Mare! This was sooo funny! Your posts are always hilarious!

Mike and Em said...

That is too funny! Well, not the situation, just the way you explain it. I hope that you guys are somewhere fun! We hope to see you guys in a couple of weeks for Thanksgiving. I hope that you had a good Halloween.